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Melting Heart Connected

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Interconnected relations.

At its core, Melting Heart Connected is an exploration of the emotional and spiritual bonds we share with the natural world. It delves into the intricate web of life, illustrating how our actions, no matter how small, reverberate through the environment. The project aims to awaken a sense of empathy and responsibility towards nature, highlighting the symbiotic relationship that is often overlooked in our modern, fast-paced lives.

The name "Melting Heart Connected" symbolizes the thawing of human indifference towards nature. It represents a call to melt the metaphorical ice around our hearts, to reconnect with the soil, the trees, the rivers, and the skies. This reconnection is crucial for understanding that we are not separate from nature, but an integral part of it. Melting Heart Connected is a vibrant component of the larger Soils Project, an initiative by van Abbemuseum, Tarra Warra museum of Art and Struggles for Sovereignty. Deeply rooted in fostering a profound relationship between humanity and nature. This project seeks to underscore the interconnectedness of all life forms and the earth that sustains us. The melting glaciers in the Alps have a direct impact on the soil health in the Netherlands. As these glaciers recede, the resulting changes in water flow affect river systems throughout Europe. The rivers, fed by glacial melt, carry nutrients and sediments that replenish the Dutch soil, impacting agriculture and biodiversity. This connection highlights the intricate balance of natural systems and emphasizes the need for concerted efforts to address climate change.

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